Wissenschaftliche Referenzen (Auswahl)
S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, Quantum computer based on color centers in diamond, Appl. Phys. Rev. 8, 011308:1-17 (2021)
T. Lühmann, J. Meijer, S. Pezzagna, Charge-assisted engineering of color centers in diamond, Phys. Stat. Sol. A 218, 2000614:1-17 (2021)
R. Staacke, R. John, M. Kneiß, C. Osterkamp, S. Diziain, F. Jelezko, M. Grundmann, J. Meijer, Method of full polarization control of microwave fields in a scalable transparent structure for spin manipulation, J. Appl. Phys. 128, 194301:1-9 (2020)
R. Staacke, R. John, M. Kneiß, M. Grundmann, J. Meijer, Highly transparent conductors for optical and microwave access to spin based quantum systems, NPJ Quantum Information 5, 98:1-5 (2019)