The mobile Quantum Computer

We develop high performance quantum computers working with NV technology under real-world conditions at room temperature - and changing the way we think IT.

The mobile Quantum Computer

We develop high performance quantum computers working with NV technology under real-world conditions at room temperature - and changing the way we think IT.


The Potential of Quantum Technology

Quantum technology will break the limits of current data processing, introducing a new era of computers with unknown possibilities. Our system helps exploring this potential in use already today.


Quantum > Digital

Quantum computers surpass conventional computers in computing power by far. Two key phenomena make this possible, and we have implemented them in our quantum computer – using NV technology in a scalable, industry-ready manufacturing process.

Physics quantum and scientific background, 3d rendering. 3D illustration.

The mobile Quantum Computer

With NV technology and a diamond chip, our quantum computer operates at room temperature and in any environment. This makes it applicable anywhere conventional computers are used.

Physics quantum and scientific background, 3d rendering. 3D illustration.


Quantum Enthusiasts

In the heart of Leipzig, Germany, around 20 physicists and computer scientists are working on the mobile quantum computer. They combine experience in semiconductor physics with applied quantum systems to create a startup that brings science to the streets.
